Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lemon Pepper Chicken Breast

Well I managed to do nothing I said I was going to do this weekend! No grocery shopping, no meal planning, nothing!!!!!

I always get excited when I see meat on sale at Heinens, especially Gerber products. They are Amish products that are raised naturally without hormones or antibiotics. So this past week when I checked the flyer and it was on sale I rushed to get there to buy some. Everytime I go though it ends up being parts I don't partically care for (such as thighs, or bone in breasts, etc.). But I figured since I was there I'd try a whole chicken breast (bones and all) to see if I could make something out of it and buy it in the future.

Tonight I decided to make Lemon Pepper Chicken out of it. I placed it in a casserole dish and sprinkled some olive oil on it (usually my first ingredient in any marinade). I then used some real lemon on it. I had this huge container of it from a BJ's trip and I FINALLY got to use the rest of it. I then sprinkled both sides with McCormick Lemon Pepper Seasoning on both sides of the breast. I also added some garlic powder, what's a dish with out ga-lick???? Never in my house!!

I let that marinade for several hours. I cooked on stove top with all the marinade. The way I think about it is it's getting heated up just like the raw chicken, so you have nothing to worry about. When you do this it also makes a nice crust on things and reduces down to an awesome sauce to use on the chicken!!

To accompany it we had corn on the cob and salad. I add sugar to the water in order to make it sweet corn. I didn't take any pictures of the dish itself but here's a picture of the finished chicken.

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